Thursday, October 31, 2019

Exploring ideas about art Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exploring ideas about art - Assignment Example Therefore, evaluating various ideas about art suffices towards having a better understanding of art as a whole. As such, one idea about art that can be gained from the Institutional theory of art is that art has a function to perform by maintaining its cultural category. Additionally, art is generally part of a larger system defined by the art world, such it is difficult for art to stand on its own without connections to its art world. When this happens, the art tends to lose its being art in the context in which it was intended by the creator. Moreover, institutionalisation of art forms the framework that enables the proper understanding of any given work of art. This approach means that art cannot be viewed as a single item, rather, it is what makes up a given institutionalised system. On the other hand, Michelle Kamhi’s A Conservative View of Aesthetics looks at the pre-existing notions given to art, and the contemporary understanding of what can be defined as being art. While the typical definition of art is based on a representational approach as highlighted by paintings and sculptures, one significant point in this reading is that art can be anything as long as it is represented by the right individual. This brings another point such that the right individual is anyone who has been associated with art for a given period of time, therefore giving them the jurisdiction to delegate ‘art-wood’ to an object. Additionally, there is the element of art having to be attached to ideas and certain attributes that are characterised as being formal. From the a\idealization posited in this reading, art can mean virtually anything, and this depends only on the context in which it is presented. Nelson Goodman’s When is Art?, brings another perspective towards understanding art by demonstrating that art can be a method, object, or even a language. As a language, art is used as a form of communication or method that makes it easy for individuals to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Didions on Morality Essay Example for Free

Didions on Morality Essay What is it that forms and drives our â€Å"moral behaviors†? Are we born with a basic sense of morality or do we develop a set of moral â€Å"social codes† to keep society from falling into chaos and anarchy? In her essay â€Å"On Morality,† Joan Didion dissects what lies beneath the surface of humanity’s morality. By recounting several stories and historical events, she shows that morality at its basic â€Å"most primitive level† is nothing more than â€Å"our loyalties to the ones we love,† everything else is subjective. Didion’s first story points out our loyalty to family. She is in Death Valley writing an article about â€Å"morality,† â€Å"a word [she] distrust more every day. † She relates a story about a young man who was drunk, had a car accident, and died while driving to Death Valley. â€Å"His girl was found alive but bleeding internally, deep in shock,† Didion states. She talked to the nurse who had driven his girl 185 miles to the nearest doctor. The nurse’s husband had stayed with the body until the coroner could get there. The nurse said, â€Å"You just can’t leave a body on the highway, it’s immoral. † According to Didion this â€Å"was one instance in which [she] did not distrust the word, because [the nurse] meant something quite specific. † She argues we don’t desert a body for even a few minutes lest it be desecrated. Didion claims this is more than â€Å"only a sentimental consideration. † She claims that we promise each other to try and retrieve our casualties and not abandon our dead; it is more than a sentimental consideration. She stresses this point by saying that â€Å"if, in the simplest terms, our upbringing is good enough – we stay with the body, or have bad dreams. † Her point is that morality at its most â€Å"primary† level is a sense of â€Å"loyalty† to one another that we learned from our loved ones. She is saying that we stick with our loved ones no matter what, in sickness, in health, in bad times and good times; we don’t abandon our dead because we don’t want someone to abandon us. She is professing that morality is to do what we think is right; whatever is necessary to meet our â€Å"primary loyalties† to care for our loved ones, even if it means sacrificing ourselves. Didion emphatically states she is talking about a â€Å"wagon-train morality,† and â€Å"For better or for worse, we are what we learned as children. † She talks about her childhood and hearing â€Å"graphic litanies about the Donner-Reed party and the Jayhawkers. She maintains they â€Å"failed in their loyalties to each other,† and â€Å"deserted one another. † She says they â€Å"breached their primary loyalties,† or they would not have been in those situations. If we go against our â€Å"primary loyalties† we have failed, we regret it, and thus â€Å"have bad dreams. † Didion insist that â€Å"we have no way of knowing†¦what is ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong,’ what is ‘good and what is ‘evil’. † She sees politics, and public policy falsely assigned â€Å"aspects of morality. † She warns us not to delude ourselves into thinking that because we want or need something â€Å"that it is a moral imperative that we have it, then is when we join the fashionable madmen. † She is saying this will be our demise, and she may well be correct. Hitler’s idea that he had â€Å"a moral imperative† to â€Å"purify the Aryan race† serves as a poignant reminder of such a delusion. In 1939 Hitler’s Nazi army invaded Poland and started World War II. World War II came to an end in large part due to the United States dropping two atomic bombs. If the war had continued and escalated to the point of Hitler’s Nazis and the United States dropping more atomic bombs we could have destroyed most, if not all, of humanity, the ultimate act of â€Å"fashionable madmen. † We may believe our behaviors are just and righteous, but Didion’s essay makes us closely examine our motives and morals. She contends that madmen, murders, war criminals and religious icons throughout history have said â€Å"I followed my own conscience. † â€Å"I did what I thought was right. † â€Å"Maybe we have all said it and maybe we have been wrong. † She shows us that our â€Å"moral codes† are often subjective and fallacious, that we rationalize and justify our actions to suit our ulterior motives, and our only true morality is â€Å"our loyalty to those we love. † It is this â€Å"loyalty to those we love† that forms our families, then our cities, our states, our countries and ultimately our global community. Without these â€Å"moral codes,† social order would break down into chaos and anarchy.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Promote Children and Young Peoples Positive Behaviour

Promote Children and Young Peoples Positive Behaviour Student name: Yasmin Albadri    Summarise the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and younger peoples positive behaviour Evaluate how the policies and procedures of the setting support children and young people to: a. Feel safe, b. Make a positive contribution, c. Develop social and emotional skills, d. Understand expectations and limits Explain the benefits of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and younger peoples behaviour in accordance with policies and procedures of the setting. Explain the benefit of actively promoting positive aspects of behaviour. Demonstrate ways of establishing ground rules with children and young people which underpin appropriate behaviour and respect for others. Demonstrate strategies for promoting positive behaviour according to the policies and procedures of the setting. Demonstrate realistic, consistent and supportive responses to children and young peoples behaviour. Provide an effective role model for the standards of behaviour expected of children, young people and adults within the setting. Demonstrate strategies for minimising disruption through inappropriate behaviour of children and young people. Demonstrate strategies for managing inappropriate behaviour according to the policies and procedures of the setting. Apply rules and boundaries consistently and fairly, according to the age, needs and abilities of children and young people. Provide support for colleagues to deal with inappropriate behaviour of children and young people. Explain the sorts of behaviours or discipline problems that should be referred to others and to whom these should be referred. Recognise patterns and triggers which may lead to inappropriate behavioural responses and take actions to pre-empts, divert or diffuse potential flash points. Use agreed strategies for dealing with challenging behaviour according to the policies and procedures of the setting Access and manage risks to own and others safety when dealing with challenging behaviour. Support children, young people and colleagues to identify the situations and circumstances which trigger inappropriate behavioural responses and ways of avoiding these from happening. Recognise and take immediate action to deal with any bullying, harassment or oppressive behaviour according to the policies and procedures of the setting. Demonstrate ways of supporting children and young people to review their behaviour and the impact of this on others, themselves and their environment. Demonstrate ways of supporting children and young people with behavioural difficulties to identify and agree behaviour target Use own knowledge of promoting positive behaviour to contribute to reviews of behaviour policies, including bullying, attendance and the effectiveness of rewards and sanctions. Provide clear and considered feedback on the effectiveness of behaviour management strategies to inform policy review and development. Task 1. Everyone who works in the school setting needs to be aware of the policies and procedures and have the responsibility to model a high standard of behaviour. Policies offer consistency, all staff must treat the same sorts of behaviour the same and children will know what to expect. When a staff does not follow, the policy may lead confusion for children. All staff has rules to deal with misbehaving behaviour by the children which never shout, respect children, listen, address the problem, establish the fact, use sanctions carefully. At Drayton-green primary school, children are supervised when they are in a play time, when they are in the lunch hall and when they are lining up to the class, to the hall. All staff is agreed to the positive behaviour promotion strategies and sanctions. To promote a positive behaviour, we all should encourage children to do their best with their learning and while they have a positive behaviour as that increase the motivation by recognising their success in which give suitable praise, writing a positive comment in the childs work, use suitable stickers, house points, celebration assembly that include nominate who has achieved a high standard of work or positive behaviour a star of the week then an award certificate from the head teacher, this will teach children that unacceptable behaviour is not acceptable in the school environment, this includes bullying, disruption behaviour, disrespect staff, etc. that will lead to have verbal warning, detention may be given, parent informed, discipline, etc. Task 2. Feel safe -Drayton-green primary school ensures that they are meeting the five aims and outcomes of every child matters such as feel safe and make a positive contribution. The school guarantees that all children feel safe and secure in the school setting from bullying and discrimination because the rules of the school rule are to have a safe and happy learning environment. When the child worries from something happened, or will happen later, the school encourages children to talk if they have any concern and will ensure the child is secured and protected from any harm may cause to him also the school encourages parents to talk if they have any issue or worries may be experiencing. Make a positive contribution-Drayton-green primary school ensures that childrens views are reflected in the curriculum teaching and planning. Its important that parents are encouraging their children to develop their positive behaviour and relationships as that increase their confidence with everyday challenges. The school awards children because of their hard work, good behaviour, help others as that present a good example to encourage others to do the same. Develop social and emotional skills- its important to ensure childrens social and emotional skills are developed to develop a healthy, social and emotional life. Its important to ensure children learn social skills in which they need to know to take turns, learn to cooperate and able to respond positively in certain circumstances as that able them to gain confidence in social situations. Understand expectations and limits- all children and young people in the school setting have the knowledge of the expectations and limits of how the school works. All children must follow the schools guidelines that are set such as golden rules and class rules by the school. Children know that within the school they must develop the sense of responsibility for which to apologise when needed, accept other actions and behaviour, the opportunity to help others and avoid over reactive and take one responsibility. Task 3. Consistency is imperative to achieving good behaviour in schools. The entire staff must employ the same standards. Pupils have consistency from adults, so they know what they are expecting from them and know where they stand. If one adult tells pupil one thing and another adult tell them something different then that will confuse children about whats right and wrong, the same as the rules and boundaries, all staff must say the same thing and the wording must fall into the policies of Drayton-green primary school. At our school, we say, for example, your behaviour is not acceptable instead of saying you are naughty as this language is not allowed. Task 4.   At work setting, when I am working with a year 2 group, it becomes obvious that we have certain circumstances with inappropriate behaviour on a regular basis such as children talking to each other, taking others pencils, talking while the teacher describing a learning activity, not listening to the teacher, etc. and that would be good if we keep a record of their bad behaviour situation and if that happen again, then if possible we try to avoid it, but when the child is having unacceptable behaviour again then we need to remove the child from his place and make him sit somewhere where he can only listen to the teacher and in many time we need to speak to the child to show how their behaviours are, for example disturbing others, hurt others feeling, etc. Its important to make it clear to the child so he/she will not have the same behaviour.   When teachers recognising that children are behaving well and listen, then the teacher gives them praise for their good behaviour. Once children realise they are obtaining teachers attention, then they will repeat having the same behaviour. If children want the teachers attention, then will know how to achieve it. Doing this will promote positive behaviour as B.F. Skinner discovered that its important to concentrate on the positives and certain behaviours can be changed and improved. The alternative such as nagging children to stop, being quiet, and sit down as that I am paying attention to children who are misbehaving. Task 13.This is when there are situations require more staff for instance, when there is a child is dangerous, a child is behaving unpredictably and could be dangerous or when I dont feel in control of the situation then I need to call for help because the other staff have specialist knowledge and know how to deal with them. When there is a child with behaviour issue, then the school will have many options in hand to deal with the child such as the school may give them a warning, inform the parents, inform the social worker, etc.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Infectious Mononucleosis (Mono) :: essays research papers

Infectious mononucleosis is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). It is a double stranded DNA virus indistinguishable from other members of the herpes virus group. It get its’ name from the mononuclear (single nucleus) cells. It is also known as the â€Å"kissing disease†, because the most frequent mode of transmission is intimate salivary contact. It can also be transmitted from shared drinking and eating utensils, toothbrushes, etc. Mono is not likely to spread by aerosol (ex. sneezing) or fomites (ex. doorknobs). About half the population is not exposed to this virus until late adolescence. The peak incidence for girls is 14-16 and boys 16-18. After initial contact with the virus, there is an incubation period of 4-6 weeks and then the symptoms start appearing. Symptoms include fever, sore throat and lymph adenopathy (swollen and tender lymph nodes). Mono may be called glandular fever as well because of the swelling in the lymph nodes. Fevers can get as high as 102 degrees Fahrenheit and may remain high for 3-4 weeks. Other symptoms include enlargement of the spleen and liver, fatigue, loss of appetite, periorbital edema (swelling of the tissue around the eyes), petechiae (tiny bruising like spots on the roof of mouth), and a fine rash. The white blood cell and liver enzyme counts are elevated, and anemia can occur with low platelet counts. Diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture and the hematological features. A sample of the patients’ blood is mixed with sheep’s blood and if the patient has mono, the sheep’s blood cells will stick together. Antibodies to sheep or horse red blood cells are positive in 90% of cases. Mono is not a fatal disease, but there is no specific antiviral therapy. Doctors will most likely prescribe much rest. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are sometimes used to relieve aches and manage the fevers, but the use of aspirin is not recommended due to the link to Reye’s syndrome. Corticosteroids are used to reduce the amount of tonsillar swelling and intravenous rehydration is necessary. Patients are cautioned to avoid contact sports for 6 weeks after recovery to avoid the risk of spleen rupture. Most cases of mono resolve without complication, but some rarely occur. Complications are tonsillar enlargement, which can cause respiratory obstruction; rupture of spleen; encephalitis, an infection of the brain tissue; Galen-Barer syndrome, a progressive and sequential worsening syndrome of weakness and paralysis; hemolytic anemia, the red blood cells are destroyed; uvetis, an eye involvement; myocarditis, an inflammation of heart muscle; pneumonia; hephritis, a kidney infection; and Reye’s syndrome; a severe neurological syndrome.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Functional Leadership Model in Healthcare Essay

The traditional leadership model focuses on three main areas which are looked at to be the core areas of leadership; task, individual, and team (Al-Touby, 1). Our text does not cover the traditional leadership model but, it does cover the path-goal leadership theory which in some sense relates to both the traditional leadership model and the functional result-oriented healthcare model. The path-goal theory focuses on the effectiveness for a leader to create high productivity and morale in a given situation (DuBrin, 147). In the path-goal theory it is important that the manager pick a style of leadership that focuses on the characteristics of the team and the demand for the task. In the traditional leadership style there is more emphasis on one core area over another; where in the path-goal leadership theory there is no emphasis on either. The path-goal theory lays the objective out in black and white. The path-goal theory is/ would be an effective leadership model for healthcare, how ever adapting it more closely to any organization would make it more effective and efficient. The main objective that can never be forgotten with healthcare is the patient’s outcome; if the outcome is lost, the leader, the team, and the task have failed. The Oman Medical Journal has perfected a leadership model specifically for healthcare facilities. The journal only compares the new healthcare model to the traditional leadership model however; it could also be compared with the characteristics of the path-goal leadership theory. If a healthcare facility focuses primarily on their individual staff characteristics, the facility will risk the possibility of losing sight of the patient’s needs (Al-Touby, 1). In any medical profession all employees are there for one reason, the patient’s service. With that being said, individual characteristics are not exactly the main concern in the healthcare leadership model. Moving on to having the task be the priority of the functional model; the task by itself remains incomplete until the patient recovers from the medical condition or the disease is managed (Al-Touby, 1-2). One patient is a task for too many people, but each employee contributes to the outcome of the patient. Lastly, healthcare leaders cannot only focus on the team, because the team has not completed the task until the patient recovers or the disease is managed. The team is combined of the individuals and the task but, in healthcare none of those elements need priority over another. Healthcare teams can work hard and be efficient and still be ineffective (Al-Touby, 2). In healthcare effectiveness must always be the goal over efficient teamwork. These examples and reasons are why the Oman Medical Journal decided to add the fourth element results or patient outcomes; and they refer to the modification as the â€Å"functional results-oriented leadership model†(Al-Touby, 3). No matter how perfect the healthcare team is; no matter how motivated the care staff is; no matter how well the care procedures are articulated and practiced, the yardstick of good healthcare leadership is patient outcomes, the results of care. (Al-Touby, 4) The functional leadership model is based on three core areas in leadership; task, individuals, and teams. All of these are important in effective leadership, however, the modified theory; functional-orientated leadership fits my lifestyle more precise. Working in healthcare and pursuing a profession in healthcare administration I can see how the typical functional leadership model does not fit the healthcare world. Patient care is the main focal point of every move made in the medical field; focusing more precisely on one of the three elements in the typical model could easily distract a leader in losing focal point on the patient’s result/outcome. Making the result the center of the three elements works. The organization I work at now uses the functional-orientated leadership model, and all our policies are based around this model. Patient’s safety and wellbeing is always priority. References Al-Touby, S. (2012). Functional Results-Oriented Healthcare Leadership: A Novel Leadership Model. Oman Medical Journal, 27(2), 104-107. doi:10. 5001/omj.2012.22 DuBrin, Andrew J. (2013). Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills. Mason: South-Western.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Running Head: Substance abuse in prisons.

In most prisons in the world, alcohol dependence is the most prevalence substance abuse.   Most prisoners are said to depend on alcohol and drugs, to relieve stress and tension.   This has been linked to the fact that most inmates are imprisoned for drug – related offences.   These criminals are believed to introduce drugs and alcohol in prison.   The majority of the prison population has shown some evidence of substance abuse.   In Canada, research has shown that at least 7 – 10 inmates have engaged in activities of drug and alcohol abuse.The use of drugs and alcohol in prisons is highly spreading.   Research has shown that women have more severe substance abuse problems than men.   They have also shown a tendency of being involved in hard drugs such as cocaine and heroine than men. These women also have a higher rate of injection drug use than men, at approximately 91%.Heroin is the type of drug abused by most inmates in state prisons of Toronto and Mont rà ©al, while in Atlantic Canada alcohol and cocaine are the most abused. Alcohol and drugs are available in almost all prison facilities in the world.   Research studies have shown that drug trade is much more rampant and violent in the prison than on the street. Despite the efforts to eliminate drugs in prison inmates have always been discovered to test positive for drug tests.The types of drugs available in prison include marijuana, alcohol, drugs, cocaine, tranquilizers, opiates, Hallucinogens, stimulants, sedatives and heroin.   Marijuana is the most common drugs while heroin is the least available drug in prison.Drugs treatment programmes available in California state prison.Programmes for drugs abuse treatment in this prison include, detoxication programmes, therapeutic programmes, drug courts, transitional treatment, maintenance and aftercare and pharmacotherapy methods. In California prison state intensive intervention services are reserved for offenders who are viewed as high risk.   The treatment available is designed to target behaviors that are predicative of criminal behavior.In this prison, treatment techniques such as coping skills training have been used to reduce substance abuse.   Inmates are trained on how to cope in prison without drugs and also given social skills and employment skills. These skills assist in keeping them focused on other positive activities.   Structured relapse prevention techniques are established to prevent inmates from relapsing into substance abuse.   Stress management sessions are held in prisons to help prisoners deal with drug withdrawal symptoms. Willing prisoners are asked to set their goals of treatment and work step by step to achieve them.   This way they are motivated to stop drug abuse.   Community reinforcement techniques have also been started. The community offers its services to the prisoners through voluntary services to encourage motivate them in stopping substance abuse.   However , these treatment programs have not been very effective in the prison.   The programs are not enough to stop usage of substance abuse in prisons.ConclusionI think that more treatment programmes should be established in the prison.   Control and detection programmes should be established to detect any form of drug smuggling into the prison.   Visitors and new prisoners must be thoroughly checked before entering the prison compound.   Routine searches should also be done in the prison frequently to discourage any form of drug or alcohol storage in the prison. Comprehensive screening and assessment of inmates on entry should be performed to identify the treatment programme suitable for each patient. Drug detection dogs should be introduced in the prison to facilitate drug detection in the prison.   Visitors’ areas should be modified to the designs and layouts that are open and easily accessible.   The visiting areas should be completely separated from the inmates sec tion by an impassable barrier. The way against drug and substance should be intensified to eliminate them from our society.References.Substance abuse in corrections. retrieved on 26/10/2007.Alcohol info. as retrieved on 20 Jul 2007.Heroin addiction treatment. as retrieved on 20 Jul 2007.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Enlightenment Thematic Essay essays

Absolutism/Enlightenment Thematic Essay essays The Enlightenment was a time of greatness and advances in European History, but it can also be argued as a time of turmoil and destruction. During this time in European history, many great philosophers, or thinkers, thought of new ideas and methods of governing and social interactions to increase the prosperity of people. These ideas changes the way people felt about divine right authority by showing that individuals are born with inalienable rights. Arbitrary punishment was a problem during the reign of monarchs. Torture and suppression of ideas were a constant threat for both the philosophers and the citizens. A philosopher named Beccaria believed that reason could be used in determines the type and severity of punishment of a person. This was later used in the US Bill of Rights. Because of Beccarias idea, torture was reduced and abolished in Europe and North America. Another proposed reform was freedom of thought and expression which was one of the freedoms philosophers by the name of Voltaire fought for. Since his voice was constantly being suppressed by the monarchs, he proposed freedom of thought and expression, which later proved to play a vital part in the US Bill of Rights and the French Declarations of the Rights of Man and Citizen. In the US Bill of Rights, freedom of speech was influenced a great deal by this one idea by Voltaire. Consequences of the ideas of these two philosophers ultimately caused the development of the English parliament. A very big problem experienced thought Europe was a lack of equality for women. A philosopher by the name of Mary Wollstonecraft proposed a reform for womens equality. These ideas came from the standards that women possessed during the times; women should be wives and mothers, no more and no less. Because of this way of thinking, womens education and rights was given a low priority. Many people, both men and women attempted to reform this. This caused the crea...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

11 Easy Steps for How to Draw a Dog

Easy Steps for How to Draw a Dog SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Dogs are cute! Who hasn’t taken a moment to doodle their favorite pooch on the side of their paper before? But like many animals, dogs can be hard to draw well, especially from memory. If you are trying to up your drawing skill, this guide for how to draw a dog is for you! We’ll cover all the basics of learning to draw animals and dogs in particular, and walk you through drawing a dog step by step. 4 General Tips for Drawing Dogs and Animals Drawing animals can be really challenging! Living creatures are often harder to draw than static objects, as you want your animal drawings to be full of life. Here’s a few tips to get you started! Use References It might feel like cheating to use a reference, but it’s a-OK. Professional artists use references all the time to help their artwork feel more realistic. A reference photo will help you see what a dog looks like without trying to make a real dog sit still the entire time you’re working. There are so many kinds of dogs that it’s practically impossible to remember how to draw all of them. Even if they have similar skeletal structures (which isn’t always the case), their fur texture, eye shape, and size can vary pretty widely. You can take your own reference photos or use ones you find in books or online to help you get the details right. Study Anatomy You don’t have to go to veterinary school, but spending some time looking at animal anatomy will help you better understand how an animal sits, stands, and moves. Pay particular attention to the location of the spine, as this will help you figure out how the animal is shaped. When you know that, you’ll have an easier time positioning the head, legs, and tails appropriately. You can also get a better handle on their muscle structure, which is particularly helpful when drawing animals with short fur and pronounced muscles. Though you don’t need to replicate every detail in your drawing, understanding how an animal’s body works can make your drawings feel more lifelike, even in a cartoony style. Start With Simple Shapes Even complicated drawings are based on simple shapes. A light underdrawing that consists primarily of primary shapes is a great foundation for more detailed drawings; you can build on the basic shapes to help your drawing feel lifelike. Look at an animal’s anatomy and imagine it as several connected shapes. You might see a large oval for the ribcage and a rounded rectangle for the head, or an almost kidney bean-like shape for an animal’s leg. These are just guidelines- they’ll need refinement to really work in a drawing, but using these shapes to guide your work will help you stay on track as you’re drawing. Draw Lightly It takes time and effort to draw well. Start off with light pencil for sketching, and don’t be afraid to erase and try again. As you progress through the drawing process, you can erase your guidelines and draw in heavier pencil. This helps keep you on target and gets rid of the unnecessary lines. When you’re ready, you can go back over your drawing in ink or marker, and erase the pencil marks entirely. That ensures that only the lines you want are visible! This also works for digital illustration. Using layers in illustration programs, you can have underdrawings and layers of increasing detail, which can be turned off when you no longer need them. With practice, you'll soon be doing way better than this. How to Draw a Dog: The Simple Method Even when you’re drawing a simple dog, it’s smart to have an understanding of basic dog anatomy. It might sound silly or unnecessary, but even cartoony drawings need to be based in reality to look right. As mentioned above, take some time to look at dog anatomy and learn the basic shapes that make a dog up to help you make even a simple dog look great! Because there are so many kinds of dogs, we can’t provide a tutorial for how to draw all of them. Instead, here’s a simple guide for drawing a sitting dog that can be adjusted depending on what kind of dog you’re drawing. A modest beginning. Sketch the Muzzle All you need is an oval to start with. Don’t get caught up in making it look perfect- you can make adjustments to it later. Also, don’t worry about details. Just get a circle down and we’ll add to it later, once we have the body done. It doesn't look like much yet... Draw the Head Sketch the shape of the head around the oval you’ve drawn for the muzzle. Again, it doesn’t have to be perfect, because you can change it at any time. You can change the shape depending on how you want your dog to look. Some dogs have very round heads while others are more angular, but having the head oval in place gives you a structure to work around. Looking a bit more like a dog now. Add a Nose Dog noses are unusually shaped. They actually look a bit like mushroom slices, with an exaggerated flare at the bottom. You can start by drawing a sort of rounded triangle, then adding the nostrils to flesh it out. A simple nose or a detailed one can be equally effective depending on how detailed your drawing is. Making progress... Add Ears A dog’s ears can be a great source of expression! Depending on what kind of dog you’re drawing, the ears may be floppy, upright, or even cropped. Start with the basic shape and tweak it from there. Eyes make a big difference. Add Eyes Let’s keep it simple here- eyes are tricky to draw well! Two little ovals will do the job for now, so if we’re doing a simple cartoony drawing, we don’t have to get very detailed. You can add eyebrows to give your dog more of an expression. Dogs don’t have eyebrows exactly like we do, but some have eyebrow-like markings just above their eyes. Feel free to use your imagination! Okay, it's definitely a dog now. Add a Mouth Dogs have two rounded shapes beneath their noses that often turn upwards, making it look as though they’re smiling. You can draw these shapes as rounded ovals to make the dog look happier, or make them more angular and pointed downward to make your dog look more serious. In combination with the ears, the dog’s mouth is the best way to convey emotion. The egg-shaped body feels like a bit of a step backward. Add a Body The body looks a bit like an egg, with the top hidden behind the dog’s head. Again, draw it lightly and go over it later to add more detail. These legs leave something to be desired. Add Front Legs Draw two straight lines and add a little oval at the end for the paw. You can embellish these with spots or fur, but the basic shape is just two sets of two lines with a little oval at the end. I wanted a husky-like tail, even if it looks a bit like a banana right now. Add a Tail What kind of tail a dog has depends on its breed. You can draw a skinny tail, a fluffy one, or no tail at all depending on what kind of dog you’re drawing. These legs are a little on the abstract side. Add Back Legs Back legs are a little more difficult to visualize, but think back to the anatomy of a dog. The dog’s thigh is kind of like a tilted oval, and the foot and lower leg are like an elongated, squashed oval. All these are just sketch lines, so if they look a little funky now, that’s okay- you can fix them up with detail later on. Details and ink definitely help the doggy appearance. Add Details and Finish Up Now that you have the basic structure of your dog, you can touch things up with detail, erase all your sketch lines, and outline in ink. Some things to add to make your dog look more lifelike and cute are color, fur textures, and whiskers. Take a look at real dogs and see the features that make them unique, then make adjustments to yours to make it look special, too! How to Draw a Dog: The Detailed Method Drawing a detailed dog is a lot like drawing a simple dog, though it will likely take you more time and effort. Again, understand the simple shapes that make up a dog. Look at skeletal structure and muscle groups to help you understand what they look like under all that fur, as those are the features you’ll start with before you add more detail. First and foremost: start simple. It’s easier to draw a familiar yellow lab than it is to draw something more complex, like a Puli. That goes for shapes, too. Underdrawing is even more important when drawing detailed dogs than it is for simple dogs, even if you feel like you’re erasing most of the work. And erasing is a big part of drawing detailed dogs. You probably won’t get it perfect the first time, but that’s okay! The dog up above was my first attempt, and if I continued to practice I would get better. Erase and try again and again. You might not notice your skill improving, but every drawing you do brings you closer to the artist you want to be. This beautiful dog is going to be our reference photo. Start With a Reference You can use your own photo or one you find online, but add your own embellishments and tweaks to really make it your own. You don’t need to trace, though you can if you’re just starting out and want to get a better grasp on what dogs look like. It’s not wrong to learn by tracing, but it’s a good idea to use those drawings as practice unless you took the photo yourself. Many artists take their own reference photos. If you can’t, you can use one you find online, but aim to make your drawing substantially different from the reference if you plan to use the picture for something other than practice. Starting with a reference photo lets you work off of an existing image, which can help your drawing be more accurate. Use what you know of skeletal structure so you can better draw the shapes that make up a dog. Not very impressive. Outline Shapes Naturally, dogs are made up of many complex parts. But when you’re starting your drawing, just focus on the basics- the shapes that make up the basic form of a dog. If you were to just imagine a dog’s silhouette, you might see a rounded rectangle for the head, a large oval of the chest, and another oval for the hindquarters. Start with a line to keep the body parts aligned. The line can be straight or slightly curved, depending on what position you’ll draw the dog in. Then draw the basic shapes at their appropriate places, centering them on the line. After some redrawing, we have the basic form of the dog in our photo. Outline Shapes for Larger Features Now that you have the basic dog shape down, you can add just a little more detail. Focus on drawing the larger features of a dog- the snout, feet, and legs. Again, draw shapes rather than detailed features, as you’ll add all the little stuff later. Fill in the places where those features meet the body, and connect the larger sections of the body together. You’ll flesh all of this out later on; for now, you just want it to look like the basic silhouette of a dog, not something instantly recognizable as whatever breed of dog you’re trying to draw. This dog is more muscular than furry, so I focused on the muscles. Add Body Contour Now’s the time to start getting into detail, mostly in the body. Add some rough structure to the body, such as muscle definition for short-haired dogs or fur outlines for long-haired dogs. Look at where the breed is thicker or thinner, and emphasize those areas of the body. Look at where fur gathers on images of the type of dog you’re drawing, and also where muscles are more visible. Those are the areas to emphasize here, but, as always, don’t get too invested in details yet. Also take a moment to draw the legs and feet in more detail. Add toes and fur, if necessary, so you have a clearer picture of what the final dog will look like. Hey, that's a dog! Erase Unnecessary Lines Get rid of the guidelines you used, as from now on you’ll mostly be fleshing out details and shading. You’ve spent enough time on the basic shape, adding some fur and details, that you no longer need your initial shapes and guidelines. Now’s the time to add basic outlines for the dog’s ears, eyes, nose, and snout details. Get their placement and shape right, and be sure they look similar to those in your reference photo. This will probably take some time. Don’t get frustrated if you have to draw and redraw these features several times- these are details that are important to get right, but that can be quite tricky to execute well. You might have to do a lot of practice, but it’ll be worth it in the end! Add Fur Texture Now you can add fur and fluff to the details you added in the last step. Add a little fur to the ears or little tufts on the legs. If you’re not drawing a particularly shaggy dog, add more muscle definition. Use shading to emphasize where the dog’s muscles would show, and sketch out areas where the dog is more muscular to make it look more realistic. Just as you’ve done throughout the drawing, start with general details before you get into the smaller ones. Go for general fur shape, then add fuzzier patches. Get the general body shape and muscle structure done, then add muscles that are in use given your reference photo’s pose. It's not perfect, but that just means it's time to practice! Finishing Touches You’re almost done! Take some time to add additional details to things like the dog’s nose and eyes, and add teeth or a tongue depending on whether the dog’s mouth is open. You can also add spots or other color patterns if your dog has them. Just shading will accomplish this, or you can use full color to give your picture even more pop. However, it is possible to get too detailed. Some artists draw intensely detailed images while others are a little more sparing. Both are great art styles, so don’t feel like adding tons of detail is the only way to make your art look realistic and interesting! Additional Tips for Drawing Dogs Once you've got the basics down, drawing a dog is a matter of practice. Keep trying to improve, even when it feels like your skill isn’t getting better. But if you need some additional help in drawing certain parts or certain kinds of dogs, consider these tips! How To Draw a Dog’s Face Drawing a dog’s face can be particularly tricky- we want our drawing’s faces to be as expressive and cute as real dogs. Understanding what a dog’s skull is like is a great first step, as you’ll be able to see what parts move, what parts don’t, and where important features like the ears and eyes sit. Outline the basic shape before adding features. You can block them in using lines to be sure that they’re all aligned properly. As with the rest of the dog, start with the broader details and then fill in the specific ones. Start with the shape of the eyes, for example, and refine them until they look right. Then add the iris and pupils as well as surrounding fur. You can always make changes, but it’s easier to start with the larger details and fill in the specific ones than end up having the erase everything because you can’t get the shape to look right after you’ve drawn the details. How to Draw a Puppy Puppies are a lot more than miniature dogs- they have different features, which means there are special considerations to keep in mind when drawing them as opposed to adult dogs. For one, puppies often have proportionally larger paws than adult dogs. Drawing the paws a bit larger is a good way to clue people into the fact that you’re drawing a puppy! Puppies are also generally a little chubbier, with more rounded bodies. Though some might be a little muscular, for the most part puppies will be more rounded- combined with other puppy features like larger paws, a rounded body can make a dog look younger. Some breeds also have gangly legs, especially as they begin to grow into adolescents. A few adult breeds, such as borzois and greyhounds, may look gangly as adults, but many dogs get that same look as they’re growing up. It’s okay to make your puppy drawings look a little awkward- it’s true to life! Another good detail for puppies is that their eyes often look proportionally larger than those of adult dogs. This is a common feature of baby animals, and it’s part of the reason that people love them so much. A large head, round eyes, and smaller nose and mouth remind us a lot of human babies, so use those features to make your puppy drawings look even cuter! What’s Next? Don't be afraid to experiment with different styles when drawing dogs. Check out this guide to how to do contour line art and try out a whole new art direction! Not sure what to draw now that you've mastered dogs? This list of 100 different drawing ideas is sure to help. Drawing is a great hobby, but it can also make you money. Check out this list of art scholarships to help you turn your skills into cash for college! Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Melissa Brinks About the Author Melissa Brinks graduated from the University of Washington in 2014 with a Bachelor's in English with a creative writing emphasis. She has spent several years tutoring K-12 students in many subjects, including in SAT prep, to help them prepare for their college education. 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Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Proposal For The Further Study Of

Great Writers Essay, Research Paper A Proposal for the Further Study of Great Writers Dave Vinson Erythema nodosum leprosum 4230 11/20/00 It could be said that the survey of Literature and the survey of Psychology are a most incompatible mix. Properly schooled in one or the other of these two subjects, it is the psychologist who will indicate out the # 8220 ; left encephalon # 8221 ; is attributed with the maps of Analyzing, Mathematics, and bit-by-bit Reasoning and the # 8220 ; right encephalon # 8221 ; is similarly concerned with Creative Thinking and Visual-Pictorial accomplishments. Consequently, people will frequently happen a Niche in society that makes usage of that half of the domain that is dominant for them. This is non to state that one can non unite properties and run across subjects nevertheless. For illustration, there are those people who enjoy businesss such as Psycho-Biologists. It is really of import to indicate out that persons are uniting same-sphere accomplishments. For illustration, Psychology and Biology employ the Strength of 1s left-sided properties associated with the scientific discipline s. Society makes usage of these extremely skilled people who can congratulate one field by presenting another. It is nevertheless, Unnatural and sometimes Unsafe to unite left and right accomplishments. For illustration, what usage would we hold for an Artful-Biologist # 8221 ; or, a Psycho-Writer? There is farther treatment that the left encephalon is dominant and hence assumed that our originative actions are guided by some degree of Reason. That is, to be successful in Art or Literature, a practician will be guided by Reason to bring forth that, which will involvement the Customer. Furthermore and most of import, they will carefully analyse the impact their work will hold on the Interested perceiver. In certain state of affairss, the left-brain becomes Corrupted. When this occurs, the actions of the person are non guided by ground. In the event that that individual is a author, they will hold free reign to show their work Unfettered by Confiness of Reason. Although this can be fazing to the reader, these plants can go great verse forms and novels of our clip. This is because those of usage guided by ground attempt ( sometimes for centuries ) to calculate out the Reason that guided these great authors. It is hence my purpose to demo that we should research for Abnormality instead so Reason in these great authors. Alexander Pope # 8217 ; s An Essay on Criticism ( 1711 ) , appeared when he was 23 and included such lines as # 8220 ; a small acquisition is a unsafe thing. # 8221 ; It is at this point in his life that Pope warns us of his increasing Instability in the above transition. Pope, a Catholic, was excluded from the kind of university that his endowments deserved Demaria ( 1996 ) ) . Alternatively, Pope had an uneven instruction, which was frequently interrupted. He learned Latin and Greek from a local priest and subsequently he acquired cognition of Gallic and Italian ( hypertext transfer protocol: // Pope # 8217 ; s # 8220 ; small acquisition # 8221 ; refers to his being unable to go to a Quality university. The Consequence, harmonizing to the transition, is that he had become a ( literary ) danger. Additionally, Pope # 8217 ; s little, hunched stature ( caused by TB ) assuredly caused him much Trauma as he developed. Harmonizing to category talk, he was so Traumatized that he even resisted portrayals of him being painted! We should now turn our attending to the American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to find Pope # 8217 ; s afflictions. Body Dysmorphic Disorder is the Excessive preoccupation with one # 8217 ; s physical anomalousnesss that causes, in portion, Impairment in societal operation. In Pope # 8217 ; s instance, others Validated his ain preoccupation. For illustration, his kyphosis was a changeless Target for his critics in literary conflicts # 8211 ; Pope was called a # 8216 ; hunchbacked frog # 8217 ; hypertext transfer protocol: // This leads one to chew over the being of a 2nd upset, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD can happen in persons who, harmonizing to the DSM IV, # 8220 ; have experienced a menace to the Integrity of self # 8221 ; . The upset can besides do Impairment with respects to Social Functioning. Pope # 8217 ; s plants were his manner of Contending back. His upsets had produced a Tenacious, Bitter adult male who resorted to Mocking others as he himself had been mocked. This is really evident in The Dunciad where he victimizes less celebrated ( and, of class, less impaired authors ) . It must be told, nevertheless, that he did non believe of this vehicle by himself but fashioned his arm by careful observation of how Dryden had belittled hapless Richard Flecknoe. Another great author # 8217 ; s Abnormal gifts to the literary universe are more easy identified by an easy identified upset. Samuel Johnson # 8220 ; had a nervous upsets that Resembled Tourettes syndrome # 8221 ; ( Demaria ( 19 96 ) . Harmonizing to the DSM IV, Tourettes Syndrome ( identified by motor and vocal tics ) , presents itself in childhood and, of class, Impairs societal Functioning. Although ( as in Pope # 8217 ; s instance ) , this surely would hold caused him some peer heartache as a kid, we will predate mapping out his way to developing his Posttraumatic stress disorder upset. An extra Factor to be considered is that ( like Pope ) , Johnson had Tuberculosis. This left him with defacing Scrofula and he besides was scarred by little syphilis. At this point we should get down to detect a form of how the diseases of the Restoration period added Vastly to the upsets of the period # 8217 ; s great authors. Johnson took merely a somewhat higher route in showing his Tortured head. In The life of Mr. Richard Savage, boy of the Earl of Rivers, we see Johnson rather satisfied with the release of caffeine-fiend-turned-murderer, Richard Savage. One must chew over why Johnson had such an involvement in the Unsavory Mr. Savage. Once once more, we must turn to psychological Enlightenment. Mr. Savage was combating Egotistic Personality Disorder. Specifically, he had a form of Grandiosity and Need for esteem. His unwellness presented itself in claims of being the boy of an Earl. It must be considered that Savage and Johnson shared a co-dependency with each other. Co-dependency was rampant throughout the period and one should research the Networking that these persons developed in what we refer to as # 8220 ; literary circles # 8221 ; to get down to build how huge they could go. Little was known of mental wellness at the clip nevertheless, one of Demaria # 8217 ; s writers had antecedently resolved himself to the job at manus and looked for an reply. His existent work was, nevertheless, Overlooked # 8230 ; John Locke was educated as a doctor and had a great involvement in what is now called psychological science. He was an empiricist who believed that our cognition of the universe is constructed from our experiences in it ( Goodwin ( 1999 ) . In his life-time he saw the English Civil war, overthrow and executings of male monarchs, alterations in his states # 8217 ; official faith, and two tierces of England go up in fume ( Goodwin ( 1999 ) . Still, he kept his Reason. In 1690, he published An Essay Concerning Human Understanding and An Essay refering the True Original Extent and End of Civil Government. The latter, which can be found in, our text ( in portion ) and the former mentioned briefly. More significantly, in 1693 he published Some Ideas Refering Education. In it, he Unselfishly parted with wisdom gained from his ain rigorous Puritan upbringing ( Goodwin 1999 ) . Presented among his thoughts were the followers: The upbringing of a kid Should include some well-planned Suffering. Among these, are difficult beds instead so soft 1s as # 8220 ; being buried each dark in plumes, thaws and Dissolves the organic structure, is frequently the Cause of Weakness, and the precursor of an early grave # 8221 ; . Locke besides prescribed rinsing pess in cold H2O and have oning leaky places to avoid DISEASE ( Goodwin 1999 ) . When one reads the Essaies by Locke they see no jeer of unsuspicious equals, no lampoon of serious topics. Presented in his authorship is a simple overview of good penetration and suggestions to avoid political discord, understand our senses and, raise good kids. He published these in clip for England to began raising their immature ( including Pope and Johnson ) with his methods. There is no indicant that either kid was raised with these methods so one must inquire if both would hold contracted their single diseases ( and subsequent fresh fish for Literature ) if they had followed Locke # 8217 ; s advice. Pope, Johnson, and Locke all experienced some grade of injury during their life-time. Pope and Johnson experienced personal physical injury and political agitation while Locke experienced the combustion of England and the political agitation of the 1600 # 8217 ; s that at one point Forced him to go forth his state for Holland. In their plants, a acute perceiver can see the difference between Locke # 8217 ; s benevolent advice and Pope and Johnson # 8217 ; s jeer, sarcasm and unsavoury relationships. Locke was a psychologist while Pope and Johnson were Writers. Locke had a sound left-brain while the other two showed some grade of mental impairment. Without soft beds and tight places, Demaria # 8217 ; s anthology may hold been a batch shorter. Bibliography Mentions American Psychiatric Association ( Ed. ) . ( 1992 ) . Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental upsets ( 4th ed. ) . Washington, DC: Writer. Demaria, R. ( Ed. ) . ( 1996 ) . British literature 1640-1789 an anthology. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.. Goodwin, J.G. ( Ed. ) . ( 1999 ) . A history of modern psychological science. New York: Wiley and Sons, Iraqi National Congress. 369

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ethics and Federal Bailouts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics and Federal Bailouts - Essay Example In Savings and Loan (S&L) financial crisis which lasted from 1989 to 1995 resulted in the closure of approximately 50% of the 3,234 S&L institutions (Phillips 2008). The government intervened in order to make good to investors through the creation by Congress of the Resolution Trust Corp (RTC). At the end of the day estimates revealed that it cost the government approximately $124 billion. The greatest bailout in the history of the federal government is the recue of the financial institutions in 2008 which cots $700 billion (Investopedia 2009). This is officially called the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. In describing 2008 as a banner year for bailouts by the government Credit Loan (n.d.) indicates that the government provided funds totaling $29 billion to Bear Stearns and $150 billion to AIG and has promised $100 billion to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (two mortgage finance giants), in order to save the financial sector Investopedia 2009). Ethical Implications Relating to Misuse of Funds It has been reported in the media that these funds have been misused by politicians who give their close associates preferential treatment. According to The Blaze (2011) accusations have been made against Rep.

Synopsis 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Synopsis 3 - Essay Example Tort law enables ordinary citizens to hold â€Å"political actors and multinational corporations† answerable to the harmful effects of their actions (5). Other reasons suggested by the proponents of this law include â€Å"compensating the injured party, discouraging undesirable behavior in society, reinforcing acceptable social norms, redistribution of wealth and expression of political protest† (7). However, opponents of this law argue that it is â€Å"arbitrary, impinges on economic productivity, erodes notions of personal responsibility, is partly responsible for a ‘compensation’ culture, and, gives undeserving claimants and greedy plaintiffs’ lawyers a leeway to exploit defendants† (5). Forms of tort can be categorized based on the following elements: bodily integrity, personal space, possessory interests, freedom of choice and contract, and one’s standing in the eyes of others (30 – 42). Torts violating bodily integrity include battery – intentional physical touching of another’s body that is harmful or offensive such as hitting, kicking, or stabbing; negligence – carelessly inflicting physical injury on another person; defective products; and strict liability for abnormally dangerous activities – liability incurred on the defendant irrespective of fault for activities that cause physical injuries to passive bystanders such as blasting or transportation of radioactive materials (30-33). Torts violating personal space are those that do not require personal injury for them to be admissible in court such as assault – intentionally acting towards another in a way that causes them to anticipate an imminent harmful/offens ive touching; false imprisonment – intentionally confining a person or cause one to perceive herself as being confined; intentional infliction of emotional distress (sheer outrageousness of defendant’s conduct); and workplace harassment (discrimination based on gender, race, religion or sexual

Questions to answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Questions to answer - Essay Example This method fosters the chief motivation for reimbursing as setting up a more promising rate of interest over the period of the new issue. 3. Recognizing the difference on reimbursing is the same as the difference on other prompt terminations (Carmichael and Graham, 2010). Auditors argue that organizations should recognize this difference in income in the term of the termination. The third method makes practical sense since it is the only argument where an accountant records the whole difference when the particular agreement is extinguished. This process affects previous terms when the agreement was valid. However, the third method is the generally accepted one (FASB, 1972). This is because many accountants contend that the recognition of this difference might compel an organization to record returns by borrowing funds at high rates of interest to settle discounted, low-rate debts. I favor the first option because it takes into account equity categorization for a part of or the entire outstanding convertible debt issue. As a result, the first option is suitable for fiscal auditing and reporting from a tax point of view (Grant Thorton, 2013). Instruments with the features of both equity and liability categorizations are compound. The first option also qualifies as a requirement for the categorization of fiscal tools (Schneider et al., n.d.). FASB. (1972). APB 26: Early Extinguishment of Debt. FASB. Retrieved from 0898212&blobheader=application/pdf&blobcol=urldata&blobtable=MungoBlobs Schneider, D. K., Schisler, D., Mccarthy, M. G., and Hagler, J. L. (n.d.). Equity Classification of Convertible Debt? Tax and Cash Flows Considerations. Journal of Applied Business Research, 11(4), pp.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Muslims in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Muslims in America - Essay Example This discovery was monumental because it revealed that Muslims had inhabited America from the beginning. The third contributor, Alexander Webb, is believed to be the first American to convert to Islam. This was recorded in 1888 and then five years later he was appointed as the first Muslim in British Parliament. 2. From the 1970s to the 1990s, the number of mosques established in America increased considerably, partly due to conversion for which the dominant number of converts are African-Americans, but also due to the influence of settlement patterns resulting from immigration. As Muslim families grew in size so did their needs for places to worship. There are now more than 1500 mosques, compared to 600 in 1980, 230 in 1960 and 19 in 1930. One of the major factors that helped the emergence of Muslim Ethnic Mosques was the article written soon after the race riots of 1967 and 1967 in Newark, NJ. The East Orange Record also reported that the East Orange Deputy Police Chief praised the Muslim population as a 'stabilizing influence' in the area, and noted 'an almost zero percent crime rate within the Islamic community. While crime rates were lower in Muslim communities, many citizens still struggled with the cultural ignorance of most Americans. They fought to make their religion understandabl e and accepted by the mainstream society. 3. 3. The initial introduction of Islam in Africa occurred in 639 A.D. when the Arabs began exploring North Africa. As the religion grew across the continent, many Africans were being brought to America. In America, for many African Americans their first exposure to Islam was because of their slave ancestry and history. Today, The African-American Muslim community is diverse and complex in its theological beliefs and the way in which Islam became a mainstay in the lives of many African Americans can be traced back to the Great Depression of the 1920s and 1930s. During this time, many African Americans migrated out of the southern states to the east in search of a better life. The eastern United States had the highest populations of Muslims at the time, and they reached out to help the African American travelers in their time of need. By recognizing African American's poor housing and economic conditions, Islamic followers in the eastern United States fought to improve the lives of the A frican Americans and their influence was lasting, with many converting to the faith and passing it on to their future generations. 4. There are several different factors influencing the race relations between African Americans and the immigrant community. African Americans have struggled and have revealed that in their living experience of Islam, it is not always singularly a manifestation of culture. Often traditional Muslims are at odd with African-American Muslims who are not binded by a singular cultural expression or see that Islam is culture itself. Many believe that the tensions also arise because African-Americans are very aware of racism and discrimination. Many African American's feel that traditional Muslims treat them as inferior due to the fact that they were not the original Muslim race. These tensions can be seen in acts of violence specifically n the San Francisco Bay area of California. Here a string of liquor store robberies have been aimed at stored owned by traditional Muslim citizens. It was soon discovered that the criminals were African American

A paper for oceanography based off of the book called The Eskimo and Essay - 1

A paper for oceanography based off of the book called The Eskimo and the Oil Man by Bob Reis - Essay Example ng of the global climates and the trending climatic concerns such as the global warming and the possible impacts on the ecosystem dynamics and the life supporting atmospheric portion i.e. the biosphere at large. The atmosphere and the biosphere are interrelated through the natural processes of evaporation, precipitation and the natural heat exchange processes. This refers to the study of the ecology of the marine ecosystems with regards to their surrounding ocean environment. Marine biologists study the life in the oceans (marine ecology) and as well as the total organic production in the seas and oceans. The marine life consists of the floating or weakly swimming organisms known as planktons and rapidly swimming organisms referred to as nektons. Marine oceanographers map the floors of oceans, analyze the problems of the shorelines, and study the deposits and other sediments of the ocean floor and rock layers of the earth’s crust. Biological oceanography therefore looks into the influence of the ocean’s physical, chemical and the geological characteristics on the marine ecology or ecosystems. This is the study of the Chemistry underlying the ocean environment and the processes of its interactions with the atmosphere. Chemical oceanography is looks into the chemistry of seawater, the major salts it contains, and other trace elements found in the oceans. This is the study of the physical processes of the oceans such as the mixing, waves, tides, ocean currents, water transparency density and temperature; as well as under water acoustics and sound transmission. In his book, The Eskimo and the Oil Man: The Battle at the Top of the World for America’s Future, Bob Reiss is particularly concerned with the Oil exploration strategy by the Shell Company on the North Arctic coast of Alaska, focusing on the potential threats to the Ocean, impact on the marine ecosystems and the Americans living within the neighborhood. This intertwines all the mentioned branches of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Questions to answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Questions to answer - Essay Example This method fosters the chief motivation for reimbursing as setting up a more promising rate of interest over the period of the new issue. 3. Recognizing the difference on reimbursing is the same as the difference on other prompt terminations (Carmichael and Graham, 2010). Auditors argue that organizations should recognize this difference in income in the term of the termination. The third method makes practical sense since it is the only argument where an accountant records the whole difference when the particular agreement is extinguished. This process affects previous terms when the agreement was valid. However, the third method is the generally accepted one (FASB, 1972). This is because many accountants contend that the recognition of this difference might compel an organization to record returns by borrowing funds at high rates of interest to settle discounted, low-rate debts. I favor the first option because it takes into account equity categorization for a part of or the entire outstanding convertible debt issue. As a result, the first option is suitable for fiscal auditing and reporting from a tax point of view (Grant Thorton, 2013). Instruments with the features of both equity and liability categorizations are compound. The first option also qualifies as a requirement for the categorization of fiscal tools (Schneider et al., n.d.). FASB. (1972). APB 26: Early Extinguishment of Debt. FASB. Retrieved from 0898212&blobheader=application/pdf&blobcol=urldata&blobtable=MungoBlobs Schneider, D. K., Schisler, D., Mccarthy, M. G., and Hagler, J. L. (n.d.). Equity Classification of Convertible Debt? Tax and Cash Flows Considerations. Journal of Applied Business Research, 11(4), pp.

A paper for oceanography based off of the book called The Eskimo and Essay - 1

A paper for oceanography based off of the book called The Eskimo and the Oil Man by Bob Reis - Essay Example ng of the global climates and the trending climatic concerns such as the global warming and the possible impacts on the ecosystem dynamics and the life supporting atmospheric portion i.e. the biosphere at large. The atmosphere and the biosphere are interrelated through the natural processes of evaporation, precipitation and the natural heat exchange processes. This refers to the study of the ecology of the marine ecosystems with regards to their surrounding ocean environment. Marine biologists study the life in the oceans (marine ecology) and as well as the total organic production in the seas and oceans. The marine life consists of the floating or weakly swimming organisms known as planktons and rapidly swimming organisms referred to as nektons. Marine oceanographers map the floors of oceans, analyze the problems of the shorelines, and study the deposits and other sediments of the ocean floor and rock layers of the earth’s crust. Biological oceanography therefore looks into the influence of the ocean’s physical, chemical and the geological characteristics on the marine ecology or ecosystems. This is the study of the Chemistry underlying the ocean environment and the processes of its interactions with the atmosphere. Chemical oceanography is looks into the chemistry of seawater, the major salts it contains, and other trace elements found in the oceans. This is the study of the physical processes of the oceans such as the mixing, waves, tides, ocean currents, water transparency density and temperature; as well as under water acoustics and sound transmission. In his book, The Eskimo and the Oil Man: The Battle at the Top of the World for America’s Future, Bob Reiss is particularly concerned with the Oil exploration strategy by the Shell Company on the North Arctic coast of Alaska, focusing on the potential threats to the Ocean, impact on the marine ecosystems and the Americans living within the neighborhood. This intertwines all the mentioned branches of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Hrm Between Hai Di Lao and Little Sheep Essay Example for Free

Hrm Between Hai Di Lao and Little Sheep Essay Human resource aspect Hai Di Lao Trust and Equality Hai Di Lao few employees recruited from the community, most of the existing staff introduced to friends and relatives. They are all familiar with each other in the environment, whether good or bad, are easy to spread and grow. Hai di Lao try to implement a trust in the values of quality. More important than the expansion Hai Di Lao employee orientation is very simply, only 3 days. It is mainly about the lives of common sense and some basic knowledge of service. the real training is practical after entering the store. Each new employee will have a teacher mentoring. Rather than hiring external trainers, Hai Di Lao selects the company’s best performers to prepare new employees for the tasks ahead. They experience of values and human service concept, learn to deal with different problems than those of fixed service action norms more difficult. Employee welfare Employee compensation goes beyond financial reward, the company also looks after employee welfare from high quality housing to company excursions to free education for children of employees. hey also cover the parents insurance for the employees who had good performance. Employee empowerment Full delegation of authority to the staff, can greatly stimulate the creativity of employees. For example, the services that Hai Di Lao provides for the customers, such as nail polishing, etc, were created by the staff in their daily work. In addtion, Hai Di Lao also provides that any of the staff is no need to consult the manager with giving customers discounts. Xiao Fei Yang Workforce diversity Now days, globalization is not of interest only to large firms, more and more companies are opening up foreign markets to international trade and investment. As a Chinese hot pot restaurant in Korea, it requires the employees to be international. The proportion of Chinese and Korean employees is 1 to 1, as what Hai Di Lao does, the new employees will have teacher mentoring. Especially Korea attached great importance to culture etiquette, the employees must aware of etiquette. Rewarding the staff With then part-time staff, Xiao Fei Yang provides a vote per month, the more satisfied customers are, the more â€Å"smiley face† the staff would earn. By the end of every month, two of the highest voted staff would get salary raised. And for the regular staff, if their performance are approved by the manager and customers, they would receive bonus. Dealing with customers If there is any issue happen between staff and customers, staff will immediately contact the manager to deal with, in the meantime, they will try to meet customer needs.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Theme Of Social Change And Freedom English Literature Essay

Theme Of Social Change And Freedom English Literature Essay In both the plays The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov and A Dolls House by Henry Ibsen the protagonist is a woman. Madame Ranevsky of the The Cherry Orchard and Nora Helmer of the A Dolls House both find themselves enchained and victims of the social norms existing at that time and their own personal past. In the beginning both Nora and Madame Ranevskys lives were moulded to comply with social norms but the play sees their evolution from controlled women to the independent characters free from social constraints as well as burden of their past memories. This evolution towards their freedom was both the consequence as well as catalyst for furthering the social change in society at large, although several characters in both the plays like Firs and Trophimof deal with the potential difference among social progress and social change and doubt the effectiveness of the Liberation. Moreover emancipation of serfs has led Lopakhin previously a serf into flourishing as a liberated, wealthy businessman. With financial success Lopakhin witnesses a significant class change within the society. In the company of Madame Ranevsky, Lopakhin feels self conscious, still a peasant at heart but deep down in his mind he knows that things have changed in his favour. Against this background of Lopakhins success, the bankruptcy faced by Mrs. Revesky further frustrates her. When Lopakhin offers his plan to her in order to improve her financial position by the construction of villas at the cherry orchard, Mrs. Revesky refusal not only exhibits her impractical attitude and lack of business acumen but also she is not free from her image of an aristocrat- she is still a slave of her passions she spends extravagantly ignoring her present crises. She is not only a victim of social change around her but also of her own flaws and passions and her running back to her former lover in Paris in the end displays her desire to seek liberation from her past memories which have chained her throughout her life. She although unlike Nora Helmer does not want to develop into an independent, intellectual personality as she still wants some support system to cling on which in the end is her former lover. Moreover it seems that her running away from her past memories although is liberating her from her times of yore but she is not trying to find her true self in this liberating process. She is still unable to discover herself which is clearly pictured as a goal by Nora Helmer in A Dolls House. In the A Dolls House written by Henrik Ibsen in 1879 at the time of the movement of Naturalism, which is regarded as a milestone in theatre for its representation  of  pragmatic  individuals, locations and situations,  Henrik  restricts  his  story  to  the  middle  class families and his writings are of a society that is partial not only by its means of living but also its outlook. In his play, Henrik deals with womens rights as a matter of significance, which on the contrary was neglected throughout that time period. The heroin of his play, Nora Helmer suffers an inferior character and is a victim of social norms, in the beginning she struggles desperately to conform to these norms but ultimately evolves towards self liberation. Its only after eight years when Krogstad blackmails her for forging her dying fathers signature that she realises that she lived with a hypocrite and her affection and love for her husband was of least interest to him and he would no m atter what consider his social reputation more important than his family. Nora changes herself to become independent, free form social constraints to explore her own goals and beliefs. Throughout much of the play Nora Helmers character is depicted as subjugated by both authoritarian social conventions and manipulations of Torvald Helmer, her husband. But unlike Mrs. Ranevskys character that remains unchanged throughout the play, Nora is a dynamic character. Noras personal character sees a remarkable revolution. From a meek and submissive, childlike silly wife to her husband, she mutates into independent personality seeking self realization and in  her  concluding  lines Nora states Im a human being no lesstry to understand them  [3]   Nora  discards  the  male-controlled  structure of her family  that  refuses  her  a  self-determining  individuality. She demands  an  alteration,  a  progression  of her relations founded on edification and egalitarianism. By  declining  Torvald of being called as her husband and  by  disagreeing with  the  missing  and  departed  father  whose  family name  she  brought into play by means of  counterfeit  signature, Nora has travelled the remoteness and has promoted the capacity in her to doubt the spurious conventions that since her childhood have held her in repressed and overpowered. In the play, authors award to Nora, the right  to  stride  on the way to  her  personal  individuality, Ibsen has provided her  with the  right  to  discover her personal language,  to  designate  her  own  name.  Noras closing gesticulation announces her parting from the rigid role of  a  wife.  Noraà ‚  seems  to  rise as a principal example of liberation. Nora adamantly insists on pulling  herself  away  from Torvalds outlook of her as a conventional wife. She on the other hand makes a decision to distinguish herself as someone in process, in a condition of achieving, rather than of having a definite and rigid individuality. Nora walks out of the house to locate her being and educate herself. With the understanding that her matrimony had been a lie, the world is dissimilar outside, and that there are people who will lend her a hand to get through life, she makes a decision to develop into her own person. I think, for a woman as loving Nora who had an affectionate and caring mind that was prepared to do anything for her husband, nothing else mattered except her family. She had a fervent and dedicated would happily forfeit everything as the reason of her existence is to be enjoyable for her children and husband; and to have fun. After discovering that Nora copied signature of her father on the loan bind, her husband, Torvald nullifies their marriage without caring Noras love towards him which made her take this step. In their last conversation Torvald becomes more oppressive and saysNora, I would gladly work for your sake. But no man can be expected to sacrifice his honour, even for the person he loves and she on realising the situation he wants to maintain answers him, Millions of women have done it  [4]   In my opinion, in the beginning of both the plays, the protagonists because of their situations had inauthentic personalities which progressively and eventually developed into much finer and genuine personas. Moreover with the help of depicted economic circumstances and the unusual personality of the characters, both the plays, The Cherry Orchard and A Dolls House suggest that there are two sources which determine change and freedom which are economics which comes from without and control over oneself which in contrast comes from within. Word Limit: 1410

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Two Faces of Kim: An Investigation into Rudyard Kiplings Kim Essay

The Two Faces of Kim: An Investigation into Rudyard Kipling's Kim "I would go without shirts or shoes, Friends, tobacco or bread Sooner than for an instant lose Either side of my head." The Two-Sided Man (Kipling 179) To think of "the two-sided man" is to think of the self-searching protagonist of Rudyard Kipling's Kim. "Burned black" and yet white, Irish and yet 'Little Friend of All the World', British and yet native, ruler and yet servant, Kipling's multi-faceted Kim must find his place in the social order of a society that he resides in but is not truly connected to (51). Moreover, what he must also do is recognize that his two identities do not have to come together to form one; it may be more advantageous to keep the two separate from one another. Thus, his quest to find the "Red Bull on a green field" accomplishes two-fold: it allows Kim to find his identity and Kipling to convey his feelings on imperialist presence in India (49). It may be argued that Kipling chooses England over India, elevating the righteousness and appropriateness of British rule over the lowly and needy Indian nation. To say this, however, would be incorrect, for Kim also celebrates the beauty and exoticness of India, its native languages and culture, showing that as much as British customs are praised so too is the Indian way of life. Thus, the identity that Kim forges for himself does not value British over Indian ideologies or blend the two into one hybrid mixture. What he does do, instead, is hold each as a separate, equally important entity. To use the term 'postcolonial' in Kim would therefore suggest the need to develop British and Indian identities in a way that the distinct characteristics of each group are retained and yet equally r... ...oughout the contexts of the play, Kim has developed each persona independently, be it through schooling or his interactions with other characters, and done so successfully. The term 'postcolonial' then is indeed a suggestion of the need to maintain both identities in the face of a culturally fragmented society, where one identity is no more important than the other. If Kim were to be an actor in a play, he could masterfully take the stage of the British gentleman one night, and in the next performance, an Indian untouchable. It is this very ability to become English and then in another moment Indian that makes him such a successful spy. In the end, whatever the disguise, Kim's adventure along the Grand Trunk Road of Life and his chase of the 'Great Game,' as spying is called, does go on. Hopefully by doing so, Kim can one day answer his question - who really is Kim?

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Dialectic of the Union Blockade during the Civil War Essay -- U.S. His

The Civil War in the United States from 1861 to 1865 serves as a dark reminder of how disjointed a nation can become over issues that persistently cause heated debate among party factions. Most students that have taken courses in American history understand the disadvantage possessed by the Confederate States of America as they fought against the powerful Union army for what they perceived as a necessary institution of slavery. Historians have debated over the effectiveness of the blockade and if it was important in creating the failures faced by the Confederate States of America. This debate has generated the contested question of â€Å"Did the Union blockade succeed in the American Civil War?† The blockade, whether considered a success or an absolute failure on the part of the Union, holds grand significance in the history of the United States. The increased development in the Union’s naval department correlates directly with the necessity of possessing ships that cou ld withstand the threat of blockade running. This dialectic will focus on two opposing theses on the matter of how successful the Union blockade was in guaranteeing a victory for the Union. Within â€Å"Reassessment of the Union Blockade’s Effectiveness in the Civil War,† M. Brem Bonner and Peter McCord make an argument for the success of the blockade by assessing statistical data comprised from the efforts of blockade-runners to breach the hindrance caused by the Union. The authors frequently employ the objecting side of the effectiveness argument when discussing the legality of the blockade and the successes some blockade-runners had in smuggling goods in and out of the Confederacy. On the opposing side of the argument, Daniel O’Flaherty condemns the blockade as ineffecti... ...he historian who reviews the event. The Confederates were able to continue blockade running up until the conclusion of the war, while the Union strengthened its navy in order to compensate for the imbalance of ship maneuverability. If the blockade proved completely effective, the supplies Confederate soldiers possessed throughout the war would have unobtainable via blockade running. It would also distort the history of the Civil War to name the blockade as the main reason for the South’s deterioration, when it only aided to existing problems leading to the conclusion to the war after the South’s surrender. Works Cited Bonner, Michael Brem and Peter McCord. "Reassessment of the Union Blockade's Effectiveness in the Civil War." The North Carolina Historical Review (2011): 375-395. O'Flaherty, Daniel. "The Blockade that Failed." American Heritage 6.5 (1955).

Friday, October 11, 2019

First to Fight

FIRST TO FIGHT BOOK REPORT PFC WALTERS 1. TITLE: FIRST TO FIGHT 2. CBRN 1st Marine Division 3. AUTHOR: Victor H. Krulak Lieutenant General, USMC (Ret. ) 4. PUBLISHER: U. S. Naval Institute 5. PUBLISHED: 1984 6. PAGES: 227 7. COST: Base Library 8. SUBJECT: First to Fight is about Lieutenant General Victor H. Krulak’s personal experiences in the Marine Corps, and his ideas and opinions on how he views the Marine Corps. 9. OPINION: I thought First to Fight was a good book that went into a lot of detail into what Lieutenant General Krulak was a part of in the Marine Corps throughout his career.I did like the way he pointed out how the Marine Corps has always stood up for the American people’s rights in a roundabout way, without actually spelling it out. I also believe that every Marine needs to read this book because it shows how the Marines were almost absorbed and disbanded throughout history, and how close we were to not having a Marine Corps today. 10. INTRODUCTION: The book First to Fight starts off with a letter from then commandant General Randolph McC. Pate to Lieutenant General Krulak asking why the U.S. needs a Marine Corps. He responded five days later by answering the question conversely by asking why the U. S. does not need a Marine Corps. And the truth is America does not really need a Marine Corps. But the people want us to be here, not on any technical level but on a whole different level. The American people want it that way not on what we know what we are or what we know we can do, but what our country believes we are and believe what we can do. If that ever disappears, then so will the Marine Corps. 11.BODY: First to Fight starts out with Lieutenant General Krulak asking Gunnery Sergeant Walter Holzworth how the Marine Corps came by its reputation as of the world’s greatest fighting formations. He answered by stating that â€Å"they started right out telling everybody how great they were. Pretty soon they got to believing it themselves. And they have been busy ever since proving they were right. † He then goes on to talk about the beginning of the Marine Corps back in 1775 and how the Marines were initially raiders against British Commerce. The Continental Marines actually disappeared after the Treaty of Paris in 1783.They were revived in 1794, and their position was solidified in law in 1798. The Marines were used as seagoing police to help the Navy maintain discipline in its ships. Lady Luck has played a big role in keeping the Marines around also, by Lieutenant Presley O’Bannon at Derna, Floyd Gibbons report of Belleau Wood, and by playing the photographer Joe Rosenthal on top of Mt. Suribachi at the precise moment five Marines and one Corpsman raised the flag. There have been several big thinkers in the Marine Corps history that had the foresight to see what it would take to keep the Marine Corps alive in the future.The continuous struggle for a viable existence clearly fixed one of th e distinguishing characteristics of the Corps, a sensitive paranoia that has led to the Marines always challenging themselves to higher standards just to stay in the fight. The Marines have almost been disbanded several times throughout history. The Army has tried to disband or absorb us on more than one occasion. The Navy has tried to kick us off of their ships and hinder us from having any say so in any major military actions.Each time we have succeeded through congress and the American people to stay alive by showing we live, fight, and act to a higher standard than any of the other services. It is said the Marine Corps is the best in amphibious assault. In truth we were the first of the U. S. military to study it in depth. The Marines developed the Tentative Manual in 1934, which in 1935 was renamed the Manual for Naval Overseas Operations. It took seven months to write. This was a major part of the strategy for World War II, and was crucial for the Pacific island hopping campai gn.The Marines Corps has always struggled with the need for money, and one major example is outlined in Chapter Five and Chapter Six about how most of the doctrine was made before the Marines even had enough boats that could actually storm a beach. By the end of 1941, the Navy finally decided that the Marines were right and adopted the Higgins boat and the LVT and the Pacific Campaign was finally possible. The United States Congress sees the Marines as very frugal. This is another point that has kept the Marines here throughout the last two hundred years.They have been able to get into the Seminole War and the Mexican War because the Commandant told the President Marines would be cheaper to use than the Army. Under Commandant Lejeune the Marines actually returned money to the Treasury at the end of the fiscal year. From uniform items to equipment, compared to the other branches, all have been cheaper or out modeled. Finally in 1954 the Department of Defense engaged in a massive stan dardization program. Contracting and Manufacturing were consolidated but the Supply Depot still sits where it always has as a testament to the frugality of Marines over generations. 2. LESSON: The Marine Corps has been tested again and again about their very existence over the years. Each and every time the Marine Corps has stepped up to the test, and will continue to do so. The U. S. Congress has had to step in a few times to help the Marines, but they only do so because of our actions they have seen and the American people still want the Marine Corps alive. From the time a recruit steps on the yellow footprints all the way to a commissioned officer, all must strive to be better than they are, and continually raise the bar.If not the Marine Corps will cease to exist. If it was not for a small group of extremely dedicated Marines, the Marine Corps would already be a thing of history. 13. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, I think this is a very motivated book. It goes through past events th at made the Marine Corps what it is today. It is extremely detailed into what Lieutenant General Victor Krulak did and was a part of during his career. There is pride and purpose in it that show through his words what it means to be a United States Marine.